Lovelight+39 INTRODUCES


Collection: Urban Garden

Category: Coatings


“Urban Garden” collection, conceived by architect and designer Simone Micheli for Lovelight+39, a leading Italian brand in interior ceramics. 

Designed by
Simone Micheli
designer Simone Micheli


Harmonious Unity between Nature and Modernity

The world of design and architecture is delighted to welcome a new creative excellence with the launch of the unprecedented ceramic surface collection “Urban Garden”, conceived by architect and designer Simone Micheli for Lovelight+39, a leading Italian brand in interior ceramics. 

The 21 proposals of this capsule collection, blending graphics with materiality, are expressed through organic lines that evoke folk songs and hints of art and craft, reflecting the richness of popular culture while capturing the romantic values of nature juxtaposed with the artificiality of urban life. 

The new line debuted at the LoveLight+39 showroom during Milan Design Week. Urban Garden embodies an emotional journey through the aesthetics, art, and philosophy of the designer, seamlessly melding with Lovelight+39’s vision. It’s not merely the outcome of meticulous work but also a reflection of the desire to delve into the connection between humans and their environment.

Simone Micheli, renowned for his ability to transform complexity into forms of pure simplicity, has shaped the ceramic surfaces with the aim of creating an oasis of serenity and positive energy in the chaos of contemporary life. Through a blend of materials, organic lines, vibrant colors, whites, and blacks interspersed with silver and gold finishes, the collection evokes the atmosphere of an urban garden, where nature and culture combine. The vortex graphic with its light/dark contrasts was created in collaboration with Cèsar Julian Micheli. Each piece represents a reflection, born from a dream that invites the viewer on a journey through the multiple dimensions of life. A gentle yet powerful reminder: in everyday chaos, simplicity is the key to rediscovering beauty.

LoveLight+39 - ICE - Simone Micheli


L’essenza del ghiaccio naturale è trasformata in un elemento di arredo. Il grigio cristallino riflette la luce in modo sottile. La texture, finemente lavorata, riproduce fedelmente le irregolarità e le sottili incrinature per un’esperienza tattile unica e coinvolgente.

The essence of natural ice is transformed into a decorative element. The crystalline gray lightly reflects light in a subtle way. The finely crafted texture faithfully reproduces irregularities and cracks for a unique and engaging tactile experience.



Un caleidoscopio naturale viene catturato attraverso un disegno vivace di forme arrotondate dalle tonalità verde, arancione, rosso e giallo che si sovrappongono e si fondono in un pattern giocoso e accattivante, che ricorda i semi e i legumi nell’arte della natura.

A natural kaleidoscope is captured through a vivid design made of rounded shapes in shades of green, orange, red, and yellow overlapping and merging into a playful and captivating pattern, reminiscent of seeds and legumes in Nature’s art.



Mix di nero e grigio con tocchi che sembrano argento liquido. Forme fluide e roteanti danno l’impressione di vortici metallici che si muovono lenti e potenti come correnti marine sotto il sole, evocando sentimenti di vivacità e freschezza estiva.

Mix of black and gray with touches that remind liquid silver. Fluid and swirling shapes give the impression of metallic vortices moving slowly and powerfully like marine currents under the sun, evoking feelings of liveliness and summer freshness.



Espressione audace di stile contemporaneo attraverso un design che ricorda una lente d’ingrandimento sul mondo organico. Uso audace del contrasto e del colore per dare vita a spazi con un impatto visivo forte e deciso.

Bold expression of contemporary style through a design that resembles a magnifying glass on the organic world. Bold use of contrast and color to bring spaces to life with a strong visual impact.



Espressione audace di stile contemporaneo attraverso un design che ricorda una lente d’ingrandimento sul mondo organico. Uso audace del contrasto e del colore per dare vita a spazi con un impatto visivo forte e deciso.

Bold expression of contemporary style through a design that resembles a magnifying glass on the organic world. Bold use of contrast and color to bring spaces to life with a strong visual impact.



Omaggio al gesto spontaneo e creativo del disegno a mano libera. Unisce il fascino dell’arte improvvisata con la precisione e la durabilità della superficie, offrendo un elemento di design unico e affascinante che stimola l’immaginazione.

Tribute to the spontaneous and creative gesture of freehand drawing. It combines the charm of improvised art with the precision and durability of the surface, offering a unique and fascinating design element that stimulates the imagination.



L’estetica minimalista si concentra su linee pulite e un uso equilibrato del colore e dello spazio negativo con un effetto visivo immediato e di forte impatto. I contorni netti definiscono le forme in maniera quasi scultorea. 

Minimalist aesthetic focuses on clean lines and balanced use of color and negative space with an immediate and impactful visual effect. The sharp outlines define the shapes in a sculptural approach.



Un’immagine di Simone Micheli scattata da Maurizio Marcato, trasfigurata, attraverso una destrutturazione formale e materica che la rende un icona, un simbolo.

The transfiguration of a famous photograph of Simone Micheli taken by Maurizio Marcato, made through a formal and material deconstruction that makes it as an icon, a symbol of the artist.



Unione di arte moderna e ingegneria materica, vere e proprie dichiarazioni di stile sofisticato. Celebrazione della bellezza e della potenza delle linee che sembrano danzare elegantemente sulle superfici.

A combination of modern art and material engineering, true statement of sophisticated style. A celebration of the beauty and power of lines that seem to dance elegantly on surfaces.

Salone del mobile Salone del mobile
VELURE - LoveLight



Dialogue between art and innovation: LoveLight+39 and the imaginary museum that engages in conversation with urban spaces.