Amazing swimming pools selected around Italy by the editorial staff of the renowned architecture magazine Domus
“The history of architecture holds a rich and varied trove of outdoor pools, celebrating, in their individual diversity, a multifaceted symbol of sport and fatigue, socialisation and leisure, well-being and opulence. From urban public swimming pools, lively centres of exchange and sociability literally invaded by those confined within the city walls (Argelati, Romano, Bagni Misteriosi in Milan; Camillo Botticini in Brescia); to those in scenic holiday resorts (BBPR in Gabicce, Matteo Thun in Merano) and in contexts where the architectural structures are as spectacular as the natural landscape that hosts them” - full article.
Magazine: Domus
Country: Italy
Date: July 6th 2022
Article: Icons of summer architecture: 11 outdoor swimming pools in Italy
Author: Chiara Testoni
Photo: Hotel Hubertus pool, designed by noa* network of architecture, ph. Alex Filz