St. James Industrial

Collezione Frammenti

Founded in 1976, St. James was born with the belief that the home is the most important place in people’s lives.


Una storia di tradizione, qualità e design

Fondata nel 1976, St. James nasce con la convinzione che la casa sia il luogo più importante della nostra vita. Crediamo che la casa sia il nostro santuario, la nostra isola di comfort e benessere, che ci protegge da tutto il rumore e lo stress del mondo esterno. Crediamo anche nel potere della bellezza, che solleva lo spirito, scalda il cuore e ci aiuta a condurre una vita più felice e più sana. La nostra missione, quindi, è sempre stata quella di rendere la casa un ambiente sempre più piacevole, dove poter essere circondati dalla bellezza da ogni lato. Lo facciamo producendo oggetti belli e di alta qualità per decorare e servire, in modo artigianale, sempre con un tocco umano.

Da sempre presente nel nostro DNA, la combinazione di artigianalità, qualità e design ha reso St. James un riferimento nei prodotti di lusso per la casa. Privilegiamo il talento e la maestria delle persone dietro ogni prodotto, attraverso l'equilibrio tra materia, design e tecnica degli artigiani che lavorano il metallo.

In un mondo in cui la maggior parte delle cose sono fatte per essere usa e getta, i nostri prodotti offrono un approccio diverso, dando a chi li possiede il diritto di credere che dureranno per sempre.

Collezione Rapunzel

Collezione Canon

Collezione Smooth

Collezione Tumbi

St. James Brand Video

St. James - Dots Vase (Small)

St. James Industrial

Dots Vase (Small)

The Small Silver Dots Vase makes your table more beautiful and can be used with a beautiful floral arrangement. Its characteristics bring delicacy, luxury, and elegance to your environment.

St. James - Dots Tray

St. James Industrial

Dots Tray

The Large Silver Dots Tray is essential in setting up a bar in your home or creating a space for drinks and snacks on your table.

St. James - Candle Triple Candlestick

St. James Industrial

Candle Triple Candlestick

The Canon triple Candlestick is a stunning addition to any decor, bringing a touch of sophistication and ambiance to your space. It's sleek design creates a truly luxurious atmosphere.

Minpin Collection

St. James Industrial

Collezione Minpin

Al centro della collezione Minpin ci sono oggetti, giocosamente decorati con piccole mani e piedini. La collezione è meticolosamente realizzata a mano dagli artigiani St.

St. James Rapunzel Tray with an off-white leather bottom

St. James Industrial

Rapunzel Tray with an off white leather bottom

Signed by Italian designer Matteo Cibic, Rapunzel Collection is inspired by Rapunzel's braids and brings a touch of magic and beauty to the pieces and it proposes to make the environment modern t

St. James -  Babylon Vase (Tall Large)

St. James Industrial

Babylon Vase (Tall Large)

Nino Bauti's Babylon Collection was inspired by ancient Babylonian containers for long-distance trade of wine, grains, and oil, which he saw at a Louvre exhibition.

St. James - Babylon Vase (Short Large)

St. James Industrial

Babylon Vase (Short Large)

Nino Bauti's Babylon Collection was inspired by ancient Babylonian containers for long-distance trade of wine, grains, and oil, which he saw at a Louvre exhibition.

St. James - Dots Bucket

St. James Industrial

Dots Bucket

The Nickel Dots Ice Bucket is ideal for serving in your most memorable moments. It is also a piece to decorate your bar, enhancing the beauty of a carefully planned environment.

St. James - Dots Vase (Medium)

St. James Industrial

Dots Vase (Medium)

The Medium Silver Dots Vase makes your table more beautiful and can be used with a beautiful floral arrangement. Its characteristics bring delicacy, luxury, and elegance to your environment.

St. James - Canon Double Candlestick

St. James Industrial

Canon Double Candlestick

The Canon Double Candlestick is a stunning addition to any decor, bringing a touch of sophistication and ambiance to your space. Its sleek design creates a truly luxurious atmosphere. 

St. James -  Rapunzel Champagne Cooler

St. James Industrial

Rapunzel Champagne Cooler

Designed by Italian designer Matteo Cibic, the Rapunzel line is inspired by Rapunzel's braids and brings a touch of magic and beauty to the pieces, proposing to make the environment modern through

St James - Rapunzel Thermal Ice Bucket

St. James Industrial

Rapunzel Thermal Ice Bucket

Designed by Italian designer Matteo Cibic, the Rapunzel line is inspired by Rapunzel's braids and brings a touch of magic and beauty to the items.

St. James -  Babylon Candlestick

St. James Industrial

Babylon Candlestick

Nino Bauti's Babylon Collection was inspired by ancient Babylonian containers for long-distance trade of wine, grains, and oil, which he saw at a Louvre exhibition.

St. James - Fragments Collection

St. James Industrial

Fragments Collection

The central theme of Fragments is the expansion of product versatility through the exploration of modularity.