By-me Plus
Category: Lighting
By-me Plus is Vimar’s integrated home automation system composed of a range of intercommunicating devices designed to improve the comfort, energy efficiency and security of everyday life, and that can be controlled from the View app.
The By-me Plus home automation system consists of a range of intercommunicating devices designed to improve the comfort, energy efficiency and security of everyday life, using automatic devices that involving all the installed functions. By-me Plus can be used to control lights, temperatures, sound systems, curtain and roller shutter automation, irrigation, energy management, scenarios; integrating it with video door entry, burglar alarm and video surveillance systems facilitates daily life.
The Vimar View app can be used to supervise the home from a single point via a touch screen, smartphone or tablet; the functions are user-friendly and immediate. Everything is integrated into a single system that manages the energy produced and consumed in a smart way, even diverting it for self-consumption.