Arik Levy: “Believe in your dreams”
Artist, designer, photographer, scenographer and video-maker: Levy is a multifaceted (and poetic) creative who works perceptively on feelings and emotions. Just like a child, he also believes in magic.
Famous for his sculptures, installations, limited editions and art projects, Arik Levy was born in Israel, and moved to Europe in 1986 before a spell in Japan and then setting up home in Paris, where he currently works. With an unconventional background (surfing played a large part in his life in his birth country), Arik Levy is a multidisciplinary artist whose work ranges from art to photography, and installations to video production. One could undoubtedly coin a new phrase for Levy – form follows emotions – without unduly slighting his design practice. An all-round creative, a sensitive artist and essential and astute industrial designer, Levy explores nature and the human soul in all his projects. Thus function and poetics share the space in his objects: in just a few lines, Levy responds to a concrete need while simultaneously delighting the eye. For him, devoting himself to design means improving the quotidian. He describes his approach to objects as “emotional ergonomics” or “I care design”: his projects have to tend to the body and the spirit of man. Perceptive and brilliant, he manages to condense his artistic and philosophical credo into this chat.
How would you introduce yourself to someone who doesn’t know you? With a hug.
Your main character trait? Positivist.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Me.
What does happiness mean to you? Life.
What does poetry mean to you? Space.
What does “art” mean to you? Oxygen.
What does culture mean to you? Expansion.
Who are your imaginary heroes? The Super-nature.
A real-life hero? The Nature.
Digital or real? Real.
Conviviality or privacy? Conviviality till privacy is needed.
Less is more? Indeed.
Three books you’d take on a solo trip? The book of Irving Yalom, Leonard Koren and Uri Levron.
The soundtrack to your life would be played by …? By a hang pan drum.
Your most precious object? Objects I feel for.
Your favourite place? Where I am.
Israel, Japan or Paris? Japan.
Have you a favourite number? Yes. The eight (8).
Do you believe in God? In my god.
The lymph of your life? Energy and joy.
The first thought when your children were born? The magic happens.
Your idea of resilience? Act and react.
What do you do towards sustainability? I act.
What do you see as the common thread uniting your practices? The world is about people.
The toughest idea/message/story to convey through your art and design? Feel before seeing, think with the heart and feel with the brain!
What is your favourite material to work with as an artist? The emotions and the intelligence.
Your personal Light Theory? Our personal light comes from our inner happiness.
What can we look forward to from you in the future? Evolution, always.
What is talent? Something intricate and multifaceted.
Your life motto? Believe in your dreams.