
Random Solo, design by Chia-Ying Lee

In Venice since 1950.

Lodes designs and manufactures lighting solutions for both indoor and outdoor spaces. We design and manufacture light sources that enhance the quality of living for those who choose them in any environment and situation. 

“For our family, light is a 70-year legacy”

Founded in 1950, Lodes narrates an evolutionary journey through three generations, from a pure passion for light to contemporary creations that seamlessly blend design and technological innovation.

Our products are designed for optimal enjoyment of living spaces, emphasising ease of installation, immediate interaction, and energy efficiency. Lodes ensures quality throughout the supply chain, from material selection to production techniques, deliveries, and post-sales service.


The company’s transformation includes a significant rebranding initiative initiated in 2020. This cultural shift, stemming from the aspiration to explore new avenues and the commitment to continual learning from light, centres on research, design, and innovation to develop progressively versatile and innovative lighting solutions. Today, Lodes stands as one of Europe’s foremost manufacturers of decorative lighting, operating in over 90 global markets.

“Out of Scale” eleva il concetto di “Standard Bespoke” alla massima personalizzazione e libertà espressiva.

Le composizioni di luce diventano risposte su misura per qualsiasi spazio: grazie alla flessibilità offerta dalle combinazioni tra lampade e rosoni, le applicazioni diventano infinite e le soluzioni completamente personalizzate. Sviluppando inedite configurazioni di forme e dimensioni, Lodes può soddisfare le esigenze di qualsiasi spazio e progetto creativo per arredare ogni ambiente con una scenografia luminosa in grado di fare la differenza.

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